Hollywood Community Plan Update
The draft Hollywood Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) has been updated and released to the public since August 2020. This Hollywood CPIO draft includes information in regard to affordable housing, historic preservation and improving pedestrian-oriented design. In addition to the updated policies and programs, the proposed draft provides a new incentive map with the highlighted key aspects of the CPIO. These updated inputs will be a base policy which promotes consistent and sustainable urban developments in the future Hollywood.

- Affordable Housing: The incentives for affordable housing development allows diverse needs of the community and helps new developments to reflect the scale of the existing buildings in residential and historic areas.
- Historic Preservation: The guideline for the development in relation to historic resources directs a review process for the restoration of the eligible historic resources. This also includes demolitions of historic resources which shall not be occurred without assessments of the resource, public notification, and environmental review processes.
- Pedestrian-Oriented Design: The guidelines to vitalize the public realm by transparent ground floor, separated accesses for pedestrian and vehicle and open space. Pedestrian friendly designs provide more dynamic and attractive pedestrian experience to the community.
PQNK has been actively following up on the policy updates and trying to participate in the virtual public hearing held by Los Angeles City Planning. As one of the stakeholders, we look forward to joining the next City Planning Commission meeting for the Hollywood Community Plan Update and seeing the updated information on additional proposed zone changes, open space designations and relationship between the Hollywood Redevelopment Plan and the Hollywood Community Plan Update.
PQNK will continue to pay attention to the policy changes in Los Angeles and provide valuable information to our clients for potential projects.
Please visit following links for more details.
Hollywood Community Plan Update
Photo credit: Los Angeles City Planning
PQNK is a leading Korean-American architecture firm in Southern California specializing in multifamily residential, commercial, food & beverage, and healthcare design.