Community Plan Implementation Overlay District (CPIO)

In recent years, as a part of community development plans, the city of Los Angeles has developed the Community Plan Implementation Overlay District, simply known as CPIO. It is relatively new, and its regulations are still being developed and improved over years. Among 35 Los Angeles community plans, Southeast and South Los Angeles are only districts where the CPIO plans have been affected so far.

Los Angeles CPIO Districts

The main purpose of CPIO is to provide supplemental development regulations tailored to the Community Plan Area in order to promote and aspires a better architectural and urban design standard. As a consequence of this plan, the development ensures and enhances the aesthetic character of the community, maintains compatible land uses, and promotes appropriate development scale, intensity, and density.

The CPIO district expects its benefits will encourage more investments along commercial boulevards especially for health restaurants, grocery stores, health care facilities, banks, and fitness centers. On the top of that, it regulates over-concentrated land uses like fast foods, automobile repairs and liquor stores, and creating housing opportunities. In addition to those values of CPIO districts, supporting the use of the existing public transportation is another purpose of the CPIO district.

The CPIO has been divided into four districts: Corridors District, Transit-Oriented District (TOD), Industrial District, and Residential Standards District. Each district has its own subareas and regulations. For instance, in Corridors Subarea D (Commercial Corridor), all uses on the Ground Floor are prohibited except for commercial uses and residential lobbies. Another example is, if the project is located in TOD Subareas G and H, 100 percent of residential use is prohibited. Besides the allowable uses within subareas, there are more regulations shall be followed such as transitional height, landscape buffer, glazing requirements, building materials, and so on.

PQNK has been working on a broad range of projects and CPIO projects are one of our valued experience.

If you have any questions, please consult with us.

Visit below links for more details.



Photo credit: South LA Plan Planning Department, CPIO video